Sunday, August 23, 2009

Crying Wolf

It seems that the union leadership has a set of talking points that they just can't get away from. How many times do we have to hear how horrible it would be without the union? Without a union, the company is going to force you to work in unsafe conditions. Without a union, the company will force you to work overtime. Without a union, blah...blah...blah. We've heard how evil the company would be to us without a union, yet there are several thousands of employees that seem to do just fine without a union.

By no means am I saying that the company is a saintly organization. However, if the working conditions are so horrible, would so many people still be working here? I mean, they are "at will" employees, only employed at the whim of the company.

This little fact doesn't seem to keep the union from crying wolf. They continue to recycle these lines over and over.

Speaking of recycling their lines, it appears that their methods continue to be recycled. I have noticed that whenever information is posted on the other blog (which allows anonymous posts) the response from those claiming to be union supporters is quite often rude, vulger, and threatening. A great deal of the responses are beyond insulting. They try to derail the conversation with things that have nothing to do with the debate. They make personal attacks against people that they suspect of having anything to do with a decertification effort.

Wouldn't it be wonderful for these hate filled people to be out of the workplace? Don't you want to have a workplace free of these attitudes? It can happen, but it takes work. It takes work from all of us to stand up and say that we aren't going to tolerate it anymore. It's not something that one person can do as an individual. It doesn't take an organized group to make it happen. It merely takes all of us refusing to stand by and not allow it. If this anger, vulgarity, threats, and hate filled rhetoric is what union representation is about, then we don't need it. I have more pride in myself than that and that is why IAMNOT933!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More harassment

It would appear that the union continues to try to harass and try to coerce those that don't agree with them. Emails were sent out to individuals private email addresses. These emails contained addresses. Evidently the union representatives feel that your personal information, such as your address, phone number, etc. is only personal as long as you are obeying their rules.

Besides being threatening and illegal, the use of such information is unethical and wrong. And we are supposed to trust these same pieces of crap to fight against the evil company in our best interest? I find this not only impossible to believe, but I find it impossible for the union to execute. At this point, they have shown such contempt for anyone that does not buy into their lies, that they cannot and will not negotiate on our behalf in a fair manner.

The only thing they are going to negotiate for is what gives their bank account the largest boost so that Jim and Steve get their raises next year. Bobby used to do the same thing. When we went year after year without a raise, Bobby was getting raises every year. How is this even close to being fair? Would Bobby Martinez like to explain himself? Oh, that is right, he's moved on. After using the employees of Raytheon for his own gain, he moved on.

I'm not going to be a stepping stone for the union's inner circle any longer. Are you?