Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is absolutely disgusting

What could possibly be worse than the union's current hypocrisy regarding freedom of speech? Their "events" that they do under the guise of charity. The latest is their Appreciation "Gala". At the bottom of the flyer is one little line about bringing a toy for Toys for Tots. As if an afterthought. What is the primary purpose of this event? To congratulate themselves for a job well done during the strike. You see, the flyer they didn't post on the union boards was one for strike captains to nominate those "brothers" and "sisters" that did outstanding jobs for the union during the strike.

You see, they boycott company sponsored charity events. For example, how many were told to boycott (yes, that is the word that was used on their flyer) the Hot Dogs and Hot Rods event at the airport site last year? So instead, they have to do their own? Which, if you have shown up to, it is quite a poor, poor sight to behold. But they give back to their community? Or at least that is what they profess. I donate to almost every cause that needs that the company helps sponsor. I know it isn't much, but it is all that I can for the time being. When school supplies are gathered up for kids, I put in. When food drives for the winter holidays comes around, I put in. But I have been noticing that since the strike, these boxes are surprisingly more vacant than they used to be. I suppose this is because the union told the membership to boycott those too, right? I know those good men and women that hold the union's stance donate those supplies through other means, right? Somehow, I find that hard to believe and it is disgusting.

It's disgusting that an organization that relied on the community in their time of self-imposed need, does little to give back. Instead of giving back to the community, the union leadership is focused on how to launch a PR blitz "next time" (like that will EVER happen again) because they feel that they were not portrayed in a good light during the labor dispute. I'm not sure what good light they were expecting to bathe in, but the truth is that they made false accusations against their employer, they lied to the membership, and they tried to cover it up. Those are the truths. No amount of spinning is going to make that go away. No amount of denying this is the beginning of the end of unsatisfactory representation can hide those truths. They've been put out there for all to see. That is why the union is scared. They know that once people see the truth for what it is, they won't have a leg to stand on. It is time to get rid of this union. It is time to tell them WE ARE NOT 933!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


It appears that IAM has withdrawn their complaint where they were attempting to seize control of I have seen the complaint that was filed and quite frankly, it is ridiculous. Their main point of contention was that the domain name was so similar as to cause confusion. But this union represents the finest aerospace workers in the world. I am pretty sure they can distinguish between a website that states, "It's time to get rid of this union," and the union's website. Or does the union really think that the hourly employees at Raytheon are not smart enough to know the difference? Their other arguements are absolute rubbish as well.

The fact is, there was only one reason that this happened. They are scared! Attempting to restrict opposing views and squelch freedom of speech are actions taken by dying tyrants. The union knows this. They know that they are going to be facing a vote for their business in a few months. And you better believe they are going to be pouring on the sugar soon. Well, it's too late for that.

One of the complaints that union leadership has made in regards to other non-union displays through stickers and shirts is that they are a federally sanctioned organization. Whoopie-doo! That does not give them the right to be the ONLY voice "representing" the workers. That is another hollow threat that the union attempts to use to intimidate supervisors and workers. It will not work! Enough is enough and this union has thrown enough bullshit out there for long enough.

Speaking of needing a pair of boots because it is so deep, I am checking the validity of some things that I have received from friends of this movement that might further this arguement. Of course, you will observe that the union is surprisingly silent in any forum that can be recorded, such as the website or these blogs. Instead they prefer to leave propoganda in the breakrooms. After all, we are only a small group of disgruntled ex-union members, right? If that were the case, then why are the blogs and websites getting so much activity. It is interesting to note that the domain complaint wasn't registered until the .net website surpassed their site on the search engines. I'm sure that a small group isn't making that happen. The workers want to see both sides of this and they want to find out what their alternatives are to this broken, lying, worthless union. Justice will prevail.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not this time

It seems this union has no problem picking and choosing the laws that it will attempt to enforce and which rules and laws it will disregard. During the previous negotiations, the union website contained a "members only" area. Union members were given a password to gain access to this area. According to the NRLA, this is permitted. But what is not permitted is discussing or posting information about negotiations through this area of the website. That information must be posted so that ALL members of the bargaining unit have access to it. I don't recall non-union members being given access to it. If someone would like to give me an example of a non-union member being given access, I wouldn't mind hearing of it.

This is another example of how the union attempts to drive a wedge between union and non-union hourly employees. Everything from calling names (do "scab" and "free-loader" ring any bells?) to refusing to acknowledge them when greeted by a non-union worker. This was another attempt to separate the "good" guys from the "bad". It is not going to work this time. This union has disrespected the very workers they claim to be fighting for and representing for too long.

In just a few short months the union will begin turning on the sugar again in an attempt to win us back. Last time they offered "free" memberships and other goodies to inflate their numbers. How many people got locked into paying membership dues because of that "free" membership? It is not going to work this time. Prior to this very few of the hourly employees were aware that this is an alternative to this dysfunctional union. This time the bargaining unit will be FULLY informed.

This time WILL be different!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Freedom of Speech?

If you are reading this, you probably are firmly for our rights as individuals to freedom of speech. Even if that speech is something that you do not agree with or necessarily like. It appears that the IAMAW presents that face to the world as evidenced by a video posted on the grand lodge website ( But if that is the case, then why when certain hourly employees began wearing non-union shirts expressing their beliefs, did the union try to stop them? Why did several union members and stewards go to supervisors and call HR trying to get those employees to remove their shirts. Some of them even did this while wearing their union shirts!

Oddly enough, after the union was told that we have just as much right to express our views as they do, a letter went around stating the union is a firm believer in one's right to freedom of speech. Note that this was AFTER they couldn't get what they originally wanted. Now it appears that the IAMAW is doing the same thing. They posted this video, yet I just recently found out that they are attempting to get the website shut down. Freedom of speech? I guess the only freedom they really want is the freedom to dictate what the hourly employees can and cannot say, hear, and or read.

So this is the great machine working for all of us, huh? While they wear shirts that make derogatory statements directed at their employer, non-union coworkers, and everyone that dares to disagree with them, they throw a temper tantrum that someone dares to challenge them. Meanwhile, I am expected to believe that these same people have MY best interests at heart when dealing with the company. After trying to get non-union workers in trouble for a t-shirt that is, by all accounts, less inflamatory than what they wear on a daily basis, I am expected to let them decide my pay and benefits?

It would be nice to think that they would be grown up enough to set aside personal feelings when dealing business. But I know that this is not the case. They have shown us, the non-union hourly workers, that they cannot be that adult. They can not be that grown-up. Then they don't need my money, my support, or my vote to keep them here. That is why IAM NOT 933!!!