Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not this time

It seems this union has no problem picking and choosing the laws that it will attempt to enforce and which rules and laws it will disregard. During the previous negotiations, the union website contained a "members only" area. Union members were given a password to gain access to this area. According to the NRLA, this is permitted. But what is not permitted is discussing or posting information about negotiations through this area of the website. That information must be posted so that ALL members of the bargaining unit have access to it. I don't recall non-union members being given access to it. If someone would like to give me an example of a non-union member being given access, I wouldn't mind hearing of it.

This is another example of how the union attempts to drive a wedge between union and non-union hourly employees. Everything from calling names (do "scab" and "free-loader" ring any bells?) to refusing to acknowledge them when greeted by a non-union worker. This was another attempt to separate the "good" guys from the "bad". It is not going to work this time. This union has disrespected the very workers they claim to be fighting for and representing for too long.

In just a few short months the union will begin turning on the sugar again in an attempt to win us back. Last time they offered "free" memberships and other goodies to inflate their numbers. How many people got locked into paying membership dues because of that "free" membership? It is not going to work this time. Prior to this very few of the hourly employees were aware that this is an alternative to this dysfunctional union. This time the bargaining unit will be FULLY informed.

This time WILL be different!!!

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