Sunday, November 9, 2008

They've hit new lows!

I'm sure that everyone has seen the flyer that the union has posted about their "First Annual Appreciation Gala". I'm also sure that you've no doubt noted that near the bottom there is a line about bringing an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots, but what you didn't see on those flyers is the following quote that was placed on flyers to union members:

"All proceeds will benefit our Local 933 Negotiating Committee as we head into another contract negotiation year!"

Just when I thought that the union leadership had gotten as low as was possible, they surprise me once again. I'm sure the company didn't get to see this flyer or I doubt it would have gone up on ANY bulletin boards. In fact, I suspect the only reason that the line about the Toys For Tots was even put on there was because the company would not let them put it up otherwise. Having worked with Toys For Tots for many years, I can say that it is disgusting that they would attempt to use a good, charitable cause to promote their self-congratulatory party.

But this brings up an interesting question of why the union needs to raise money for their negotiating committee. Isn't that what union dues are for? I mean, as a union member I paid a sizeable chunk of my income to the union for this particular cause. Where the heck is the money going that they need to raise money for their negotiating committee? Probably because the union squanders money trying to find out who blogs this or who runs that website. Maybe they should spend less money on stickers and t-shirts and more money on training their negotiators how to negotiate instead of acting like the insolent children they've been acting like.

It is interesting that someone I know has told me that a few of the union big wigs he has talked to have mentioned that this movement is going nowhere. Really? Nowhere? Then why are they so concerned? Next week I'll share some of what has been shared with me. It comes from the mouths of the elected union it HAS to be true, right?

1 comment:

Superbia Parti said...

Those fools will need all the money they can get! Its going to be a long time before they negotiate with RMS. The petition is going as planned and there will be a big fiesta in the 801 parking lot for Thanksgiving, 2009. Raytheon will be free from this malignant union. The workers will be liberated from the abuse of power. Fear of the union is receeding like the outgoing tide after a storm.

Former Union Members: The heavy handers are coming around demanding "You need to rejoin the union..." What that means is; "We desparately need you to rejoin us and fund our run down shack on Ajo Way so we can pay $229,000 for salaries & overhead, and pay tributes to the fat cats in Mass. who lubed up politics with $450,000,000 this year!"

I hope you smell the rats coming and send them packing when they show up at your door. Don't give in to them. They will always call you names behind your back. They showed you what they thought of you on the 21st of January of 07. Now it's your turn to show them what you think! Tell them I-AM-NOT 933!