Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays to ALL!

Since most of the Raytheon employees had taken today off to start their Holiday Shutdown early, I thought it appropriate to wish EVERYONE happy holidays. Although the last year has been particularly bitter between IAM and those of us with a vision for a better work environment, most of us do not wish any of them ill. I don't think the same could be said the other way, but it doesn't matter. It's only a few short days before the start of 2009! A new year! A fresh start! Perhaps even a better work environment.

While there are a lot of things that we want this time of year, it is important to appreciate the things we have. I hope that everyone takes time to think of those men and women overseas that are unable to be with their families during the holidays. No matter how unbearable the situation here may be, there are others in much worse situations. Please take a moment out of your holiday festivities to give thanks for their sacrifices.

Be safe, have a wonderful holiday, and I hope to see EVERYONE back at work in January. That even goes for those that can't say the same about us. See you in 2009!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where is the dialogue?

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary:

dialogue: 1) a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing.

2a) a conversation between two or more persons ; also : a similar exchange between a person and something else (as a computer)

2b) an exchange of ideas and opinions

2c) a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at resolution

3 the conversational element of literary or dramatic composition

4 a musical composition for two or more parts suggestive of a conversation

It would appear that several of these definitions apply to what would be expected of the union officials that supposedly represent the best interests of the workers. Unfortunately, dialogue is not something they are interested in. Instead, they are more interested in hunting the individuals behind these websites and blogs. They are more interested in intimidation tactics and threats than they are in working towards resolution of differences. Has anyone noticed that not once, has a representative of the union responded to the information posted here? Nope, they are too busy spreading their propaganda flyers in the breakrooms. They are too interested in trying to corner individuals they feel are "hurting their cause".

Why not post your words here for everyone to see? That way there will be a public record of EVERY word said, not just the ones that are handpicked by whichever person wants to use them for his or her own purposes. I mean, several of those involved with these blogs have been told by union members and leaders that there is nothing to this movement, that it isn't going anywhere. But others have been told that we are hurting their families, power to negotiate, blah, blah, blah. I actually had a union member tell me after the strike that I hurt his family. Excuse me? Did he bother to take my family into consideration? How about the damage that his beloved union did to my family? My family is my responsibility, just like his family is his responsibility. I had no gripe with him staying out, but unlike me, the union seems to have a grudge. So nearly two years later they continue to hold a grudge. When it comes time to rally support for their pitiful attempt at negotiating, they will ask for our support and be sweet as pie. It isn't going to work. All the "free memberships" in the world won't help them get support this time. They had more support this last contract negotiation than they have had in a long time, but they squandered it.

They squandered it because of their inability to have dialogue with those that they don't agree with. They want everything on their terms or else nothing at all. That is not how a mature organization worthy of my trust and my money acts. All the buttons, pens, pins, pencils, shirts, hats, and sunshades aren't going to change that. You will notice that we don't have those things. We don't collect dues. Anyone of the people associated with our group are free to come and go as they please. They aren't bound to year long contracts with a two week window with which to quit. We don't ask anything but the opportunity to work for a year free of this union. That is all that we ask. The chance to be treated as more than the second class hourly bargaining unit employees we are currently seen as. These are the fruits of the union's labors. Nice...nice indeed.

I aspire to more. And that is why IAM NOT 933!