Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays to ALL!

Since most of the Raytheon employees had taken today off to start their Holiday Shutdown early, I thought it appropriate to wish EVERYONE happy holidays. Although the last year has been particularly bitter between IAM and those of us with a vision for a better work environment, most of us do not wish any of them ill. I don't think the same could be said the other way, but it doesn't matter. It's only a few short days before the start of 2009! A new year! A fresh start! Perhaps even a better work environment.

While there are a lot of things that we want this time of year, it is important to appreciate the things we have. I hope that everyone takes time to think of those men and women overseas that are unable to be with their families during the holidays. No matter how unbearable the situation here may be, there are others in much worse situations. Please take a moment out of your holiday festivities to give thanks for their sacrifices.

Be safe, have a wonderful holiday, and I hope to see EVERYONE back at work in January. That even goes for those that can't say the same about us. See you in 2009!

1 comment:

ETA said...

Thank you for remembering men and woman in the military services who are spending their time, risking everything, even their lives here and abroad so that we can live free and enjoy our holidays! We all owe them our thoughts and prayers especially at this time of the year.

We do need to look at our differences of views while recognizing we all feel the same about the needs of those who depend on our work. We are trying to end a union that lives to divide us. It must be clearly stated that those who fear the lost of this union should know that we object to a union leadership and their failures not the folks in the union. I am out of the union and feel sorry for those still in this greedy union paying more than 2% of their pay in dues! Thank God we will give them a real vote that will send this union packing.

ETA 2009