Sunday, July 26, 2009

There's lies and there's damned lies

On, there was an interesting link to some articles about lies that unions, in general, use to get into a workplace and then retain their grip on the workers. I thought it was interesting that our own beloved Local Lodge 933 has continued to use some of these lies. That they continue to use the lies after being called on them shows that they do not listen and they do not learn. They like to use the saying from Lie #3 that you are the union. We all know that this is a lie of epic proportions.

They claim that if we are so intent on changing the union [read: getting rid of the union], then we should effect the change from the inside the union to get the results we wat out of the union. That has been tried. However, unless you are in the good ol' boys club, your voice doesn't count. How many times have employees (both non-union and union) gone to an officer or steward of the union and had their comments completely ignored? I know of many, many instances of this and I'm sure that you can think of several examples yourself.

Lie #4 concerned respect. This one is quite laughable if you remember that after the contract was ratified by the union in 2007, Tom Hacker of the negotiations committee was quoted in the paper as saying that the union won the right to be taken seriously. The spin masters in Washington D.C. couldn't even say that with a straight face. The attitudes that these employees showed towards their coworkers, supervisors, and every other person within the company earned them respect in what way?

Why would the company respect them? Why should I respect them? Better yet, why should you respect them? Respect is earned, not give.

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