Sunday, September 20, 2009

I will not be going away

I really enjoy reading the trash that Jim Watson posts on the union's website and has his cronies spread throughout the plantsite. What I find particularly interesting is that he always knew that any effort to rid ourselves of this "glorious union" would fail, yet he has felt the need to personally show up at the house of individuals he thinks had something to do with the effort.

He claims that a small, insignificant group is all that we are. Really? Then why did he feel the need to kill so many trees to spread his propaganda? If we were so insignificant, why would he need to spend so much effort reassuring his flock? Oh, that's right, because he knows that the movement is not isolated to calibration technicians. He knows that there are people in EVERY occupation that are fed up with the lies and bullshit that comes from this union. The employees are tired of the attitudes towards fellow employees, the company, and the job that the union endorses.

Mr. Watson knows that without this union at Raytheon, he will not have a paycheck. For him and Mr. Martinez (how many times have you seen him since he got his pay raise and new job position?) it is not about the employees. It is not about making sure that we are taken care of. It is about getting what they can and moving on. Unlike them, I'm not here to make a paycheck off of anyone else. I simply want to do my job (free from harassment) and get paid (based on my skill and abilities). I know that these are not traits that the union leadership share with me, and for that reason, I will not be going away.

The rhetoric from the die hard union members is that we should enact change from within the union. Do they really believe that? Look at who the union stewards are. Look at who the union officers are. You'll see the same names time and again. When I tried to do it that way, I got the cold shoulder and ignored. That is not worth 3 hours of my paycheck each month. The union had its chance. I am NOT going to go away. I will not be giving up. Those of you that have signed petitions need to know that the effort was appreciated. We will not be silenced. The point of a union is supposed to be give the workers a voice. We have a voice and the union will not silence it. No matter how many trips they make to HR over T-shirts or stickers, they will not silence us or our legally protected rights.

I will not cower like the union wants and I will not go away. Most of all IAMNOT933!

1 comment:

Superbias Sphincter said...

"You miss the point, sphincter brain. We're not all anti union, just anti 933."Sep 21, 2009 11:48:00 PM (from fatboys blog)

NO Pussbucket! YOU don't get it! We really don't want you guys here. It would be nice if there were a momentary lapse in the atmosphere and you guys were sucked out into space. I will try to explain this and use simple terms so you'll understand.

You keep blaming the negotiating committee....
the 2003 negotiating committee only retained 3 members sooooo the 2006 committee was virtually new people,the 2009 committee has only 3 of the same members and only 2 of them were there from 2003,sooooo again new people.

You want to bring in a "NEW" union, "SOMEONE" else!!!!!

Earth to horse manure, Earth to horse manure, How many wives will you divorce and remarry? Before you "get it" that maybe, just maybe you had something to do with it!!

I know it is utterly inconceivable,(oops big word) correction,hard to believe that the Company might have a large part in either manipulating the workforce (especially you gullable ones) or just not willing to give us a good contract.

Soooooo we "get it", fact is we don't want You! You who want to blame everything on everyone else and couldn't see the truth if drove over them in a dump truck then backed up and did it another 10 times!
My guess is that's how many times you'll try to replace all these evil union people. That fact you say you are not all anti union is a lie, you know it , I know it, everyone knows it. Why can't you guys have the balls for once and just say it!
I have no problems telling you or anyone else that, being a union member, I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire! I despise you guys that much.
On the other hand I wouldn't jeopardize (another big word) endanger your's or anyone elses's health,safety,or well being, because unlike the fear tactics you spew. I am not violent or malicious. I just don't like you! Now how American is that you Putz!