Friday, October 30, 2009

A bunch of morons

I'm really getting sick and tired of reading the bullshit that gets posted on the other blog. That's why I will not allow anonymous posts on this blog. If you have something to say in defense of the union, do it in a respectful manner without being so disrespectful. Even that doesn't stop some of them as a certain union official and his little buddy have shown.

However, there is something that I'd like to ask. According to Jim Watson, the growing movement against this do nothing union is being put on by "an insignificant few", yet the arguement that the mindless followers spew on the blogs is that it's our fault that the company has tried to feed us a crappy offer. Which is it? We are insignificant? You have once again failed at negotiations? Or perhaps your membership doesn't perform work to a standard that would demand more pay, benefits, and respect?

I'm going to say it's all three. I have no delusions that our group is insignificant in the scheme of negotiations. Compared to the number of hourly employees who are too lazy and don't give a damn, the employees too afraid to stand up for themselves, and the union, we are pretty insignificant. I'd say only a small percentage are actively working to make this a better place for the hourly to work.

But for the union to blame us for their failure. Well, I believe that was "predicted" over a year ago. How did we see that one coming? Because the union once again fails to take responsibility. If they have so much weight and what they say goes, then why is the company able to force them into crappy contract after crappy contract? And why does the union need more of your money to do nothing?

Or could it have something to do with the union's "work ethic"? Why does it take multiple attempts by some union laborers to correctly identify and repair a piece of equipment? Lack of education? Lack of pride in doing a job well? Or are they trying to "get at" the company? Whatever the reason, do you really think this is going to motivate the company to give you more? If I was in the position of making those decisions my answer would be "not interested" as well. When the union actually gets interested in earning respect and treating their fellow employees (hourly, salaried, and contractors) with some respect, they might get some in return. Until then, go pound sand.

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