Monday, January 28, 2008

Hypocrisy at its finest

A campaign has been started to remove this incompetent union from representing those of us that would better be served without them. In a perfect world, this debate would take place in an open forum with both sides completely respectful to one another. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world. Some of these men and women are so imbedded within the union that they can not perceive a work life (or any life at all, in some cases) without their beloved union and are determined to go to any lengths necessary to protect it. I have no problem with that. It is great they believe so deeply in something. What is not great is the actions they have shown and have threatened against those who disagree with them.

They have sent emails and letters to another website claiming those individuals are faceless cowards for posting thoughts and articles on the web. Yet would they let those individuals post them in breakrooms? Not a chance. They say that something left on a car in a parking lot is a security breach, but then leave threatening flyers IN building breakrooms. I especially found the language on that to be typical of the thugs running the union. It just gives more justification to the statement that the union does not care about the entire bargaining unit. They should have tried long ago to work with their fellow workers and engage them in meaningful dialogue. Instead, they have acted like children and many of my fellow workers will never again trust them to speak on our behalf.

That is what this is about. It is about OUR individual futures, not the union's future. The union has passed its prime. The leadership are accountable only to a small group of the membership and as far as they are concerned, everyone else can take a flying leap. There is no excuse for it. I, for one, am sick and tired of their intimidation and their childish actions. It is time for this union to be decertified. Many others are quite aware of it as well. The union membership has been decreasing each year as more and more of the employees it supposedly represents realize that it does not represent them.

Get rid of IAM Lodge 933!

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