Saturday, March 15, 2008

All for one and one for all...

I know it's been a while, but there is so much to say about the situation we find ourselves in that I should be making more regular posts.

The union sure has a line that they work for EVERYBODY. If that is the case, then why in the hell did Mr. Martinez and many of the other union staff get raises every year while those of us that they represent got nothing? How many years did we go without a raise? Yet, if you glance over at the union's financial filings, Mr. Martinez just kept getting paid more and more. And what did WE get in return? NOTHING! That is a great business plan, as long as your customers don't realize you are bilking them dry.

And speaking of fighting for everyone...why don't they fight for everyone when they are at the negotiating table? The last two times, red-circle has been a big issue. "Everyone should get treated equal," was the mantra. Yet, when the contract was presented to the members, red circled was still there and not only that, but there were targeted raises for certain occupations. WTF? So obviously, the union fights for those it likes...ahhhh...more nepotism.

Soon I will be posting some legalese on what the union can and cannot say or do and what we as employees can and cannot say and do. They have had the run of the roost for too long. Their intimidation tactics, lies, and flat out law breaking activities will cease and we can all make sure of it. How many times have you heard a die hard brainwashed union officer say something to the effect of, "Without the union, you are an at will employee and the company will fire you?" That is illegal. This intimidation will end.

I have a family member in IAM that openly brags about how it takes him almost 3 times as long to do a job now that he's "older". He is 51 years-old. That is not advanced age. Yet he expects to be compensated more for doing less? And he is going to blame others for not getting his way. Those that crossed to take care of their families (because the union sure as hell wasn't) are the scapegoats for the utter lack of action from this union. You ever notice that it is always someone else's fault with this union. Not once in my entire employment at Raytheon has this union admitted that they could have done something differently or better. Instead, they blame everyone else.

I am not responsible for YOUR failures IAM 933. I actually did a lot to help you guys out, as did others that you have spurned. Now you have to deal with the fact that the employees you were supposed to look out for are sick and tired of you. Not the company...not the corporate...not anyone's the members you were supposed to fight for. I, for one, will not be sad to see your little group kicked out of my workspace.

1 comment:

Smith's Psychologist said...

Excellent post. The union should look to themselves for the cause in their failure. As I stated in another blog the same self proclaimed leaders get elected year after year, contract after contract. Nothing will change unless they vote out these clowns. I personally hope they keep the clowns elected thus the union will surely fade away. I hired on to work for Raytheon not a third party parasitic organization. Please add me as a new member to your cause.