Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another example

So how many of you that went out on strike to support the union in their attempt to save their asses (like myself) have noticed that your effective hire date has been changed? For many of us it doesn't make much of a difference and really isn't a big deal. But for how many others (especially workers hired within a year or two of the strike) will it make a difference? If you were out the entire time, that is 10 weeks that your date gets moved back. So if your anniversary was anytime between the middle of October and the end of December, your anniversary now falls in the next year. Which means that at the first of the year, when you should be getting your PTO advance for the year, you are going to get ripped off at every interval. Was this something the union told you before you cast your vote for a strike?

Hell no!

I know for a fact that this was never brought up. I also know a person affected by this in my work area. How many others were caught unaware by this lack of information from the union? And if the union truly did not know about it, why didn't they file an Unfair Labor Practices claim with the National Labor Relations Board? They seem to have no problem filing those like crazy for "offenses" they have no chance of winning. We will discuss this more at a later time (probably next week).

So what other nuggets of information has the union kept from us? What other things have they failed to tell us, the working individuals that they "represent"? Every time I hear one of these officers trying to corral a new employee into the fold, I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, "Don't listen to their doublespeak!" The time has come to end this "selective" distribution of information by the union.

I AM NOT 933!

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