Monday, March 24, 2008

A Great Business Model

If you were going to start your own business, what things would you do to make sure that you have a steady stream of cash from your customers? Would you create a product that was so irresistable that people couldn't stay away? Would you lower your cost to be more competative with your rivals? Or would you lock your customers into contracts that they have very little hope of escaping from? It seems that IAM 933 has chosen option number three.

You may not be aware that you can get out of the union. I did and so can you. However, the restraints on you doing so, are usually too much for the busy workers that we are to notice. You have to send a certified letter to the union and the company in order to resign from the union. But wait, it gets better. There is a window of only two weeks a year when this may be done. You have to do it "not more than twenty (20) and not less than five (5) days prior to the expiration of each yearly period or of each applicable collective Bargaining Agreement..." This means that if you do not resign from the union in this two week window, then you are automatically enrolled for another year. What a business plan!!!

Fortunately, there are ways to find out when your anniversary of joining the union is. You can contact HR at the company. They have all that information on file and will provide it to you if you request it. You could request it from the union, but let's be honest here, they already try to lock in you permanently enough and both of us know that they are not going to easily come forth with that information. So I urge anyone still paying union dues to find out what your anniversary date with the union is. It is not necessarily the same as your start date at the company, so don't assume it is.

The union has had dwindling numbers as people have slowly started to realize the lies that the "leadership" spreads. All the "free" memberships and attempts to coerce new employees into joining will not help keep their numbers up. Too many people have begun to see the light and see through the lies. Are you going to be one of them?

1 comment:

Superbia Parti said...

I've been speaking to many of my colleagues who are near retirement age. It's a fact that many of your not-so-hard-core union members have retired or will be retiring before this contract expires. The math is so simple - 50% + 1 of the bargaining unit keeps the union. A tie or less decertifies the union.

How many retirement age union members does it take to stay beyond retirement just to save your union? They hate the company so much, they can't wait to leave. Will they endure the hardship of staying on just for their "brothers"? This will only postpone the inevitable. Are you ready for October 2009?