Sunday, July 6, 2008

What's good for the goose... good for the gander.

That's right ladies and gentlemen. I have heard that recently there have been some union members that have gotten a little upset with tactics that some non-union types have taken to. Guess what? You've been doing much worse for years and if you are going to, so are we. The workers deserve to hear ALL sides of this issue that very much affects them. No longer is your side the only one that is going to be presented. According to the NLRA it is completely legal. You get a voice and so do those of us that are tired of your hypocrisy.

And that brings me to one of the largest lies the union has tried to release. I really enjoy that on all the propaganda they leave strewn about there is a line about, "Together We Can Accomplish More." More for whom? They had a great following this last contract, heck, for the last two contracts. Instead of fighting for all employees equally, there were targeted raises. Fighting for all employees? That doesn't sound fair to me. Even if I am one of those targeted employees, it is not fair that one occupation gets more of an increase than another. Oh, wait, I get it now. These jobs had the highest percentage of employees being loyal union members. Fair and equitable indeed.

So if the union wants to file spurious grievances because they don't like the way the company legally handled something (i.e. the firing of an employee, etc.) then perhaps there is a need for a few complaints to be filed about the union and some of their very questionable practices (e.g. work slowdowns, creating hostile work environment, etc.). These are the acts of a very selfish organization that causes more work and stress for the employees it is supposed to protect and friction with the company it is supposed to work with. There is absolutely no reason that this group should be representing me. I take pride in myself and my work. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

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