Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where's our profit sharing?

If this union does such a wonderful job representing all of the hourly employees, then why is it that the hourly employees don't get RONA? The salaried workers do. And, unless they are completely worthless, they get raises every year as well. Meanwhile, we had to go several years without raises. Now we have costs going through the roof for basic food items and the whole time most of the bargaining unit's wages have remained pretty much stagnent.

I say "most" of the bargaining unit because the union does help some of its members out. I was recently shown a flyer that they went back and negotiated for some workers. How nice that the union leadership thought it wise to spread around this wonderful news that they got $70K for roughly 50 employees while the rest of us are struggling.

On a different note, it has been noticed that the union has been trying to collect information on those that do not agree with them. Why would this be? Focus should be placed on the issues, not the individuals. But again, that is not how this union operates. If it did things correctly and fairly, there would not be the need for the blogs and websites that are popping up all over the internet. If they actually worked towards the good of all employees, then I wouldn't be writing this. But they don't. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

1 comment:

Superbia Parti said...

Recently I was told that RONA was "taken away" when we got "annual raises". Horse feathers! The truth behind NO RONA is simply this; why should the company pay RONA to people who don't bust their ass to make goals like the rest of us? UNION APATHY doesn't deserve rewards. The company doesn't owe anybody a damned thing. You trade service for rewards, plain and simple. The union practices work slowdowns that are contradictory to RONA. For the observer out there, if you want your RONA back, then dump this union and serve the company to the benefit of both. Then you'll see RONA.

As for the union trying to collect information on people who are against their cause, they are attempting to demonize the anti-union folks. If they can perjure the credibility of the "demons" then members won't listen to the rebels. They want the option to intimidate us.
This is a REBELLION. It's against 56 years of tyranny. It's against favoritism, hypocracy, and protecting the derelicts. It's against forced wage reductions against the talented to hand over our pay to the unworthy. YEA, Wage equalization is stealing from the talented to give to the unmotivated within each pay grade. Wear anti-933 t-shirts to show your disloyalty toward this pathetic union. Show them all that We Are Not 933!