Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have been told that there is a union employee in Bldg 847 that made a comment regarding the misfortune of a fellow employee that is not union. This employee (I'll call him "Al") said, "Well, that's one less scab," when referring to the attack on the non union employee. I am usually not into calling names, but this sorry excuse for a human has not only crossed the line of decency, I feel he's crossed the line of legality. Unfortunately, since I did not hear it directly from his mouth, I can not go to HR myself and expect anything to happen.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what your union dues are supporting. Oddly enough, a union steward defended this asshole by saying, "He doesn't speak for the union." Excuse me? He doesn't speak for the union? But your message has been one of "united we stand". So which is it? You are united in your ideology and hate of others, or you show us that you actually have the moral courage to do what is right and throw this hateful piece of shit out of your union and out of the plantsite. The choice is simple. He stays and you show how hypocritical your little gun club is or you get rid of him and show the hourly employees (and the company) that you want to be taken seriously.

Sadly, I know the answer that this band of cowards will choose. In fact, in the propoganda mailed directly to union members, the president of the union, has the audacity to call us naive and selfish. He then finishes with "In Solidarity." So these are the words the union is sending out, but when some low life piece of crap repeats them, he's not representing the union?

As a group that represents itself as a united front, all members speak for you, not just your officials. Which, while I'm on the topic, seriously need to invest in a spell checker and a grammar checker before posting things on the message boards reserved for "official" union postings. It reinforces the perception that you are an unprofessional, ignorant group.

If you are reading this and paying union dues, then I have one question for you: "Why?" At this point, all that I can assume is that you support these craven bastards in their quest to run this company into the ground. Yeah, I'm pissed off this time and I'm probably being a little more vocal than I should. But this is what YOUR money goes towards.

That is why IAMNOT933!

1 comment:

Smith's Psychologist said...

Mr Cota is a very disturbing individual. He also is a coward as well. As a union member he is also representative of lodge 933 and their beliefs. The union cannot refute this. If the union does not drop this member then it appears the union is only after keeping his membership and money he provides to the union through his dues payments. I think the union has its priorities and it is a financial one. Thus I brand the union as a bunch of chicken$hit misfits as indicated by Cota.