Sunday, May 31, 2009

A question

After the previously mentioned incident, it has been difficult for me to post anything regarding the union and maintain a civil tone. I apologize to anyone visiting this site regularly for updates. I am going to be attempting to update this weekly from now until the decertification vote.

Speaking of such a vote, it would appear that several union members are saying one thing while doing another. I know many that have been applying for salaried positions. My question is, why would they apply for salaried positions if the union is so great? If the union is why they are living in the lap of luxury with a great job, why would they need a salaried position where they are employed only at the whim of the evil company? I've been trying to process this for many months and I can't find a reason for this.

The only thing that I can think of is that they realize the union is weighing them down. They know that they are talented and skilled. They know that they can do better than what the union is feeding them. I know some of them are going to school and getting a higher education. They want more than this union has "fought" for. They want to be and do more. I can respect that. But I can't figure out why they would continue to support this union. Is it a fallback position? Like a safety school?

It makes me wonder about those that are so bent on defending this union. What are they afraid of? Why are they even afraid to let the employees (you know, the ones they claim to represent) vote on it? Is it because they know that they have no skills? That they do the bare minimum to stay employed? That they would actually be forced to earn their pay?

I am not afraid of doing work. I feel that the reward for doing good work should be good pay. How many times have you had to correct something that a coworker did incorrectly? You have more knowledge and skills, but get compensated the same. This is the union's idea of fairness? For those at the bottom of the talent barrel, it makes sense to support this union with every bit of energy they have because without the union they wouldn't have a job. But I know that the majority of hourly workers do good work. The union is right when they say that the hourly workers at Raytheon are some of the best around. I do believe that. We have skill sets that most other factory workers can't even begin to touch. So why aren't we being treated as such by the company and the union?

Because the company would be charged with showing certain employees favoratism. However, when the union shows preferential treatment, that is acceptable. Perhaps that is why so many hourly are trying to break free of this union. They see how the company treats the salaried employees. Those with talent and a good work ethic succeed. And then they see how the union treats employees. Those with loyalty and a monthly check to the union succeed.

I strive for more. My co-workers strive for more. We might not always see eye to eye, but we know that this is not benefitting everyone as the union claims. I know it, you know it, and all those hourly applying for salaried positions know it. That's why IAMNOT933!

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