Sunday, June 7, 2009

Executive Pay

Recently, there has been a lot of public outrage regarding the compensation that company executives receive. Why should these executives get so much for poor decisions and leadership, when the average worker gets the shaft? How is this fair?

Well, then why is the union membership so content to pay so much money to their executives? According to the union's LM-2 filing, there are two individuals raking in far more money than any of us working stiffs. Why? What are they delivering that warrants more than twice the average hourly employee's yearly wages?

Shouldn't the union be run by the individuals doing the work? Shouldn't those in charge of the union be the union? Why are they adopting the same practices that they are supposed to be protecting workers from? I suppose it is just my "ill-informed" ideology, but shouldn't the union be run by the workers? I would expect those individuals to do the work of the union with minimal outside help and for minimal cost. This isn't the national union we are talking about, this is a local lodge. Shouldn't it be local workers making decisions for us?

Is this why dues had to be increased? Is a pay increase needed for the business representatives? Shouldn't pay be tied to the success of the "business" that they work for? I know that the union members are not blind to the problems these individuals have brought to all of us. But what is the reason? Is it to have a sense of belonging? An identity? There are 10,000 other employees and many groups both within the company and within the community to belong to. Believe it or not, you have an identity outside of this toxic union.

Executive pay is not going to be changed by grumbling. It is not going to change until we demand that it change. The only way to get the message to those in their ivory towers is to cut off their bank accounts. Your money belongs to you. Shouldn't you expect to get something in return for your investment?

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