Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why try to hide it?

I have heard from some union members that they were told not to visit, mention, or acknowledge the websites and blogs of those interested in disengaging from this union's representation (or lack thereof). I am left to wonder why? If the union's stances and practices are so upright and noble, then surely the people they claim to represent can make the choice that is best for them and retain the union. Or is it because the union leadership knows that the hourly workers are not stupid and just might find an alternative to this broken organization? Haven't there been other groups throughout the world that have attempted to control people through limited access of information? The hourly workers at Raytheon Missile Systems are not simpletons. Yet the union leadership seems to think that they are and continues to treat them as such.

It is absolutely hilarious that the union leadership has now attempted to "reach out" to those that disagree with them. If they were honestly concerned, they would have done this before. Where was this effort in the past? Where was it in the last three contracts? Where was it during the strike? On one particular occassion there were six of us on the strike line late one chilly night (of course, none of the big guys were to be found because the cameras and news weren't around) and none of us could find a reason for the strike to be going as long as it had. We were all fed up and wanted answers. When we tried to get answers from the union leadership we got the same worn and used lines. That was the time to reach out to the membership that was disgruntled with the union. That was the time to work towards representing the needs of the workers. But the union's track record of failure and bad decisions continued.

Now, that doesn't mean that I agree with all the decisions and actions of others that are interested in getting out from under this union. Quite the opposite is true. However, we are united in one goal: to have our wages determined by our abilities, skills, and work ethic; not by some paranoid group of nepotistic, morally and ethically bankrupt union insiders. They do not represent me. Had they represented me, they would have listened when I went to them before the strike with my concerns and those of my co-workers. That is what representation is supposed to be. And that is why IAM NOT 933!!!

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