Sunday, August 24, 2008

Where Is It?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary contains the following:

pride: 1: the quality or state of being proud: as a: inordinate self-esteem : conceit b: a reasonable or justifiable self-respect c: delight or elation arising from some act, possession, or relationship

2: proud or disdainful behavior or treatment : disdain

3 a: ostentatious display b: highest pitch : prime

4: a source of pride : the best in a group or class

5: a company of lions

6: a showy or impressive group

Most people associate pride with the first definition...being proud. But what does proud mean? The same dictionary defines it as having proper self-respect. Almost everyone I've ever come in contact with would define these words as such.

So how can the union keep pushing their "Union Pride" slogan? What exactly is it they are proud of? Their unforgivable treatment of their co-workers (both hourly and salary)? Their sabotage of co-workers? Their slowdown of work? Their nepotism? Their complete disdain for the employer that issues them checks every other week? I am not sure that any of these things would elicit pride from the average person. In fact, I think quite the opposite is true. Yet the union continues to flaunt their "pride" with shirts and stickers on a regular basis. What exactly are they so proud of???

In fact, just before Memorial Day this year, a flyer was passed around, "Words From Watson" I believe the flyers were called, that stated:

"Old Pueblo Lodge 933 would like to take this opportunity to thank those Veterans in our Union who have served our country and would ask that all of our membership please pray for our troops who are in harms way."

It ends by saying "Stay Proud! ! !". Proud? Thank only those former military members in your union? How about the many others that aren't in the union? Did anyone from this union thank them? I didn't hear any, but then again, my hearing may not be what it once was. And this is a source of pride?

What really sickened me about this flyer was that the union was trying to recruit new members with it at the bottom of the flyer. Pride? Acknowledging only those service men and women that are union members and then trying to recruit on the same flyer? That is pride? I consider it a great disrespect to the men and women currently overseas in battle zones. The union leadership repeatedly says they support the warfighter, after all, that is our business, but do they really? I heard very little talk of how the strike, should it last quite a long time, might affect the troops on the ground. I don't really remember hearing of many employees going on strike during WWII while their military counterparts were overseas. Maybe I just haven't read the right books yet? I selfishly went out on strike like so many others without thinking of what implications my actions could have on the men and women depending on the products I make. That is perhaps what makes me the most disappointed with myself during the strike. I will never allow myself to make that mistake again. I will respect the warfighter and continue supporting them in ways that matter: making the best weapons possible as well as sending what necessities and creature comforts I can overseas. I will take pride in myself, my work, and my readiness to assist the troops in any way I can. Those are things I can be proud of. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

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