Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays to ALL!

Since most of the Raytheon employees had taken today off to start their Holiday Shutdown early, I thought it appropriate to wish EVERYONE happy holidays. Although the last year has been particularly bitter between IAM and those of us with a vision for a better work environment, most of us do not wish any of them ill. I don't think the same could be said the other way, but it doesn't matter. It's only a few short days before the start of 2009! A new year! A fresh start! Perhaps even a better work environment.

While there are a lot of things that we want this time of year, it is important to appreciate the things we have. I hope that everyone takes time to think of those men and women overseas that are unable to be with their families during the holidays. No matter how unbearable the situation here may be, there are others in much worse situations. Please take a moment out of your holiday festivities to give thanks for their sacrifices.

Be safe, have a wonderful holiday, and I hope to see EVERYONE back at work in January. That even goes for those that can't say the same about us. See you in 2009!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where is the dialogue?

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary:

dialogue: 1) a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing.

2a) a conversation between two or more persons ; also : a similar exchange between a person and something else (as a computer)

2b) an exchange of ideas and opinions

2c) a discussion between representatives of parties to a conflict that is aimed at resolution

3 the conversational element of literary or dramatic composition

4 a musical composition for two or more parts suggestive of a conversation

It would appear that several of these definitions apply to what would be expected of the union officials that supposedly represent the best interests of the workers. Unfortunately, dialogue is not something they are interested in. Instead, they are more interested in hunting the individuals behind these websites and blogs. They are more interested in intimidation tactics and threats than they are in working towards resolution of differences. Has anyone noticed that not once, has a representative of the union responded to the information posted here? Nope, they are too busy spreading their propaganda flyers in the breakrooms. They are too interested in trying to corner individuals they feel are "hurting their cause".

Why not post your words here for everyone to see? That way there will be a public record of EVERY word said, not just the ones that are handpicked by whichever person wants to use them for his or her own purposes. I mean, several of those involved with these blogs have been told by union members and leaders that there is nothing to this movement, that it isn't going anywhere. But others have been told that we are hurting their families, power to negotiate, blah, blah, blah. I actually had a union member tell me after the strike that I hurt his family. Excuse me? Did he bother to take my family into consideration? How about the damage that his beloved union did to my family? My family is my responsibility, just like his family is his responsibility. I had no gripe with him staying out, but unlike me, the union seems to have a grudge. So nearly two years later they continue to hold a grudge. When it comes time to rally support for their pitiful attempt at negotiating, they will ask for our support and be sweet as pie. It isn't going to work. All the "free memberships" in the world won't help them get support this time. They had more support this last contract negotiation than they have had in a long time, but they squandered it.

They squandered it because of their inability to have dialogue with those that they don't agree with. They want everything on their terms or else nothing at all. That is not how a mature organization worthy of my trust and my money acts. All the buttons, pens, pins, pencils, shirts, hats, and sunshades aren't going to change that. You will notice that we don't have those things. We don't collect dues. Anyone of the people associated with our group are free to come and go as they please. They aren't bound to year long contracts with a two week window with which to quit. We don't ask anything but the opportunity to work for a year free of this union. That is all that we ask. The chance to be treated as more than the second class hourly bargaining unit employees we are currently seen as. These are the fruits of the union's labors. Nice...nice indeed.

I aspire to more. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

They've hit new lows!

I'm sure that everyone has seen the flyer that the union has posted about their "First Annual Appreciation Gala". I'm also sure that you've no doubt noted that near the bottom there is a line about bringing an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots, but what you didn't see on those flyers is the following quote that was placed on flyers to union members:

"All proceeds will benefit our Local 933 Negotiating Committee as we head into another contract negotiation year!"

Just when I thought that the union leadership had gotten as low as was possible, they surprise me once again. I'm sure the company didn't get to see this flyer or I doubt it would have gone up on ANY bulletin boards. In fact, I suspect the only reason that the line about the Toys For Tots was even put on there was because the company would not let them put it up otherwise. Having worked with Toys For Tots for many years, I can say that it is disgusting that they would attempt to use a good, charitable cause to promote their self-congratulatory party.

But this brings up an interesting question of why the union needs to raise money for their negotiating committee. Isn't that what union dues are for? I mean, as a union member I paid a sizeable chunk of my income to the union for this particular cause. Where the heck is the money going that they need to raise money for their negotiating committee? Probably because the union squanders money trying to find out who blogs this or who runs that website. Maybe they should spend less money on stickers and t-shirts and more money on training their negotiators how to negotiate instead of acting like the insolent children they've been acting like.

It is interesting that someone I know has told me that a few of the union big wigs he has talked to have mentioned that this movement is going nowhere. Really? Nowhere? Then why are they so concerned? Next week I'll share some of what has been shared with me. It comes from the mouths of the elected union officials...so it HAS to be true, right?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is absolutely disgusting

What could possibly be worse than the union's current hypocrisy regarding freedom of speech? Their "events" that they do under the guise of charity. The latest is their Appreciation "Gala". At the bottom of the flyer is one little line about bringing a toy for Toys for Tots. As if an afterthought. What is the primary purpose of this event? To congratulate themselves for a job well done during the strike. You see, the flyer they didn't post on the union boards was one for strike captains to nominate those "brothers" and "sisters" that did outstanding jobs for the union during the strike.

You see, they boycott company sponsored charity events. For example, how many were told to boycott (yes, that is the word that was used on their flyer) the Hot Dogs and Hot Rods event at the airport site last year? So instead, they have to do their own? Which, if you have shown up to, it is quite a poor, poor sight to behold. But they give back to their community? Or at least that is what they profess. I donate to almost every cause that needs that the company helps sponsor. I know it isn't much, but it is all that I can for the time being. When school supplies are gathered up for kids, I put in. When food drives for the winter holidays comes around, I put in. But I have been noticing that since the strike, these boxes are surprisingly more vacant than they used to be. I suppose this is because the union told the membership to boycott those too, right? I know those good men and women that hold the union's stance donate those supplies through other means, right? Somehow, I find that hard to believe and it is disgusting.

It's disgusting that an organization that relied on the community in their time of self-imposed need, does little to give back. Instead of giving back to the community, the union leadership is focused on how to launch a PR blitz "next time" (like that will EVER happen again) because they feel that they were not portrayed in a good light during the labor dispute. I'm not sure what good light they were expecting to bathe in, but the truth is that they made false accusations against their employer, they lied to the membership, and they tried to cover it up. Those are the truths. No amount of spinning is going to make that go away. No amount of denying this is the beginning of the end of unsatisfactory representation can hide those truths. They've been put out there for all to see. That is why the union is scared. They know that once people see the truth for what it is, they won't have a leg to stand on. It is time to get rid of this union. It is time to tell them WE ARE NOT 933!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


It appears that IAM has withdrawn their complaint where they were attempting to seize control of www.iam933.net. I have seen the complaint that was filed and quite frankly, it is ridiculous. Their main point of contention was that the domain name was so similar as to cause confusion. But this union represents the finest aerospace workers in the world. I am pretty sure they can distinguish between a website that states, "It's time to get rid of this union," and the union's website. Or does the union really think that the hourly employees at Raytheon are not smart enough to know the difference? Their other arguements are absolute rubbish as well.

The fact is, there was only one reason that this happened. They are scared! Attempting to restrict opposing views and squelch freedom of speech are actions taken by dying tyrants. The union knows this. They know that they are going to be facing a vote for their business in a few months. And you better believe they are going to be pouring on the sugar soon. Well, it's too late for that.

One of the complaints that union leadership has made in regards to other non-union displays through stickers and shirts is that they are a federally sanctioned organization. Whoopie-doo! That does not give them the right to be the ONLY voice "representing" the workers. That is another hollow threat that the union attempts to use to intimidate supervisors and workers. It will not work! Enough is enough and this union has thrown enough bullshit out there for long enough.

Speaking of needing a pair of boots because it is so deep, I am checking the validity of some things that I have received from friends of this movement that might further this arguement. Of course, you will observe that the union is surprisingly silent in any forum that can be recorded, such as the iam933.net website or these blogs. Instead they prefer to leave propoganda in the breakrooms. After all, we are only a small group of disgruntled ex-union members, right? If that were the case, then why are the blogs and websites getting so much activity. It is interesting to note that the domain complaint wasn't registered until the .net website surpassed their site on the search engines. I'm sure that a small group isn't making that happen. The workers want to see both sides of this and they want to find out what their alternatives are to this broken, lying, worthless union. Justice will prevail.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Not this time

It seems this union has no problem picking and choosing the laws that it will attempt to enforce and which rules and laws it will disregard. During the previous negotiations, the union website contained a "members only" area. Union members were given a password to gain access to this area. According to the NRLA, this is permitted. But what is not permitted is discussing or posting information about negotiations through this area of the website. That information must be posted so that ALL members of the bargaining unit have access to it. I don't recall non-union members being given access to it. If someone would like to give me an example of a non-union member being given access, I wouldn't mind hearing of it.

This is another example of how the union attempts to drive a wedge between union and non-union hourly employees. Everything from calling names (do "scab" and "free-loader" ring any bells?) to refusing to acknowledge them when greeted by a non-union worker. This was another attempt to separate the "good" guys from the "bad". It is not going to work this time. This union has disrespected the very workers they claim to be fighting for and representing for too long.

In just a few short months the union will begin turning on the sugar again in an attempt to win us back. Last time they offered "free" memberships and other goodies to inflate their numbers. How many people got locked into paying membership dues because of that "free" membership? It is not going to work this time. Prior to this very few of the hourly employees were aware that this is an alternative to this dysfunctional union. This time the bargaining unit will be FULLY informed.

This time WILL be different!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Freedom of Speech?

If you are reading this, you probably are firmly for our rights as individuals to freedom of speech. Even if that speech is something that you do not agree with or necessarily like. It appears that the IAMAW presents that face to the world as evidenced by a video posted on the grand lodge website (http://www.goiam.org/iamglc2008/freedom_of_speech.htm). But if that is the case, then why when certain hourly employees began wearing non-union shirts expressing their beliefs, did the union try to stop them? Why did several union members and stewards go to supervisors and call HR trying to get those employees to remove their shirts. Some of them even did this while wearing their union shirts!

Oddly enough, after the union was told that we have just as much right to express our views as they do, a letter went around stating the union is a firm believer in one's right to freedom of speech. Note that this was AFTER they couldn't get what they originally wanted. Now it appears that the IAMAW is doing the same thing. They posted this video, yet I just recently found out that they are attempting to get the website www.iam933.net shut down. Freedom of speech? I guess the only freedom they really want is the freedom to dictate what the hourly employees can and cannot say, hear, and or read.

So this is the great machine working for all of us, huh? While they wear shirts that make derogatory statements directed at their employer, non-union coworkers, and everyone that dares to disagree with them, they throw a temper tantrum that someone dares to challenge them. Meanwhile, I am expected to believe that these same people have MY best interests at heart when dealing with the company. After trying to get non-union workers in trouble for a t-shirt that is, by all accounts, less inflamatory than what they wear on a daily basis, I am expected to let them decide my pay and benefits?

It would be nice to think that they would be grown up enough to set aside personal feelings when dealing business. But I know that this is not the case. They have shown us, the non-union hourly workers, that they cannot be that adult. They can not be that grown-up. Then they don't need my money, my support, or my vote to keep them here. That is why IAM NOT 933!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Would you trust your job to this?

It seems that the die hard union members are quite concerned about what every non-union hourly and salaried worker does. Yet when it comes to ensuring that the union members are doing their jobs and abiding by rules and laws the union has a habit of looking the other way. Take for example, the last contract/strike vote. How many people were out there in the parking lot of the Tucson Convention Center having beers afterward? I mentioned it to a union steward and nothing was done about it.

I also saw several people on the line with beer and alcohol. Once again, this was mentioned to a union steward, yet nothing was done about it.

When the strike was ended and a contract signed, there was a quote in the paper that caught my attention. It was from a union member on the negotiating team stating that the union, "won the right to be taken seriously." How is this going to help you get taken seriously when you hold double standards for union and non-union members? I've seen egregious complaints filed against the company, salaried employees, and non-dues paying hourly employees. But I have yet to see the union tell one of its dues paying members that they need to straighten up. This is what the union calls serious? It is one of my reasons for crossing. I (and many other employees that were too scared of the union to cross) could not take the union seriously. The last night I served strike duty, all but one person thought the union was not doing their job.

And this union thinks it has the sole right to dictate what my wages and benefits are? Neither of these actions is what a serious organization condones. When brought to the attention of such an organization, I would expect it to want to take action to ensure that they put their best foot forward in any future negotiations. These are not the actions of responsible adults. These are not the actions of a group that should be representing me at the bargaining table with the company. Maybe the union should take the phrase, "Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones," to heart. They do not represent those of us that take pride in ourselves, our families, our work, and our company. And that is why IAMNOT933!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lies upon lies...

I find it interesting that the union keeps up the appearance (or at least attempts to) that they fight for EVERYONE working as a Raytheon hourly employee. The simple truth is that they don't. How quickly they forget about the comments made about those that crossed the line and went to work within the first few days. How quickly they forget about their little sheet that was posted in the union hall listing the names of those that had crossed. It was there for all that were still on strike to see.

I did not agree with it then and had I known that it wasn't only unethical, but illegal, I would have made a copy of it. But then again, the union seems to make it a habit of harrassing their non-union counterparts, don't they? I have heard of things that were done around the various plants to impart the union membership's displeasure with the contract that had been offered.

I hope that they took great pride in putting my name on that list. I hope it gave them something to celebrate; that they could in some small way "get back at me" for abandoning their deceit.

It is funny (funny-ironic, not funny-ha-ha) that the union calls those of us that have begun to say "enough is enough" names and dishonest. I spin nothing. I present the truth. I believe the hourly workers are intelligent and deserve to be treated as such. People can't make an informed decision without the truth. Where else are they going to get it from? The union leadership? Even to this day those individuals in charge of the union cannot stick to facts. Instead they twist and contort the truth. I lay it bare. Granted, some of it may not be what we want to hear, but the only way to decide whether or not this union is deserving of our money, trust, and backing is for ALL the hourly workers to be informed. That is not going to happen through the union...and that is why IAMNOT933!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Here it goes again!

So IAM has managed to do it again, huh? The workers of Boeing have been driven to a strike by their union "leaders". These leaders have been quoted as saying that they aren't greedy, they just want a piece of the pie. Not greedy? Shall I visit the dictionary for a definition of that word? You make demands and when they aren't met, you walk away and throw a temper tantrum like a child. That is not greedy? I am sure that workers at Raytheon would have loved a contract like that.

I am not absolving the companies of any wrongdoing in this...far from it. But a company is there to make money. The union is supposed to be there to protect the workers. This is done through NEGOTIATION, not making demands. It seems that unions would rather drive companies into the ground than actually acheive something.

Take a look at the IAM national website. They have a "merger watch" on it about possible airline mergers. If you read what they have readily available on the website, they are dead-set against mergers because it may close some hubs or re-route major airline traffic flow. So basically the union leaders in all of their wisdom would rather see those struggling airlines go away...along with their jobs. Yes, mergers would cost some jobs. There is no doubt about that. But in an industry where quarterly losses are the norm, everyone is living on borrowed time.

This is something that the entire IAM organization does not understand. The relationship between corporations and the union should be symbiotic. Most companies that I have worked for at least attempt to understand this. The unions that I have worked under do not. Where were the union leaders during the Raytheon strike? Were they getting back to the table with the company? Were they working with the company to find resolve to their disagreements? No, they were standing outside the Herman's Road gate (when ANY form of media were present) badmouthing the company that they want to get more out of. What kind of logic is that? If you ground your teenager for statying out too late on a school night are you going to give in to their demands that they should be allowed to go to the movies because they call you names and claim you to be unfair? Hell no! So why would a company do that?

That is why I have zero faith in this union. They have not shown that they deserve my time, money, or trust. That is why IAM NOT 933!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Where Is It?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary contains the following:

pride: 1: the quality or state of being proud: as a: inordinate self-esteem : conceit b: a reasonable or justifiable self-respect c: delight or elation arising from some act, possession, or relationship

2: proud or disdainful behavior or treatment : disdain

3 a: ostentatious display b: highest pitch : prime

4: a source of pride : the best in a group or class

5: a company of lions

6: a showy or impressive group

Most people associate pride with the first definition...being proud. But what does proud mean? The same dictionary defines it as having proper self-respect. Almost everyone I've ever come in contact with would define these words as such.

So how can the union keep pushing their "Union Pride" slogan? What exactly is it they are proud of? Their unforgivable treatment of their co-workers (both hourly and salary)? Their sabotage of co-workers? Their slowdown of work? Their nepotism? Their complete disdain for the employer that issues them checks every other week? I am not sure that any of these things would elicit pride from the average person. In fact, I think quite the opposite is true. Yet the union continues to flaunt their "pride" with shirts and stickers on a regular basis. What exactly are they so proud of???

In fact, just before Memorial Day this year, a flyer was passed around, "Words From Watson" I believe the flyers were called, that stated:

"Old Pueblo Lodge 933 would like to take this opportunity to thank those Veterans in our Union who have served our country and would ask that all of our membership please pray for our troops who are in harms way."

It ends by saying "Stay Proud! ! !". Proud? Thank only those former military members in your union? How about the many others that aren't in the union? Did anyone from this union thank them? I didn't hear any, but then again, my hearing may not be what it once was. And this is a source of pride?

What really sickened me about this flyer was that the union was trying to recruit new members with it at the bottom of the flyer. Pride? Acknowledging only those service men and women that are union members and then trying to recruit on the same flyer? That is pride? I consider it a great disrespect to the men and women currently overseas in battle zones. The union leadership repeatedly says they support the warfighter, after all, that is our business, but do they really? I heard very little talk of how the strike, should it last quite a long time, might affect the troops on the ground. I don't really remember hearing of many employees going on strike during WWII while their military counterparts were overseas. Maybe I just haven't read the right books yet? I selfishly went out on strike like so many others without thinking of what implications my actions could have on the men and women depending on the products I make. That is perhaps what makes me the most disappointed with myself during the strike. I will never allow myself to make that mistake again. I will respect the warfighter and continue supporting them in ways that matter: making the best weapons possible as well as sending what necessities and creature comforts I can overseas. I will take pride in myself, my work, and my readiness to assist the troops in any way I can. Those are things I can be proud of. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why try to hide it?

I have heard from some union members that they were told not to visit, mention, or acknowledge the websites and blogs of those interested in disengaging from this union's representation (or lack thereof). I am left to wonder why? If the union's stances and practices are so upright and noble, then surely the people they claim to represent can make the choice that is best for them and retain the union. Or is it because the union leadership knows that the hourly workers are not stupid and just might find an alternative to this broken organization? Haven't there been other groups throughout the world that have attempted to control people through limited access of information? The hourly workers at Raytheon Missile Systems are not simpletons. Yet the union leadership seems to think that they are and continues to treat them as such.

It is absolutely hilarious that the union leadership has now attempted to "reach out" to those that disagree with them. If they were honestly concerned, they would have done this before. Where was this effort in the past? Where was it in the last three contracts? Where was it during the strike? On one particular occassion there were six of us on the strike line late one chilly night (of course, none of the big guys were to be found because the cameras and news weren't around) and none of us could find a reason for the strike to be going as long as it had. We were all fed up and wanted answers. When we tried to get answers from the union leadership we got the same worn and used lines. That was the time to reach out to the membership that was disgruntled with the union. That was the time to work towards representing the needs of the workers. But the union's track record of failure and bad decisions continued.

Now, that doesn't mean that I agree with all the decisions and actions of others that are interested in getting out from under this union. Quite the opposite is true. However, we are united in one goal: to have our wages determined by our abilities, skills, and work ethic; not by some paranoid group of nepotistic, morally and ethically bankrupt union insiders. They do not represent me. Had they represented me, they would have listened when I went to them before the strike with my concerns and those of my co-workers. That is what representation is supposed to be. And that is why IAM NOT 933!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Where's our profit sharing?

If this union does such a wonderful job representing all of the hourly employees, then why is it that the hourly employees don't get RONA? The salaried workers do. And, unless they are completely worthless, they get raises every year as well. Meanwhile, we had to go several years without raises. Now we have costs going through the roof for basic food items and the whole time most of the bargaining unit's wages have remained pretty much stagnent.

I say "most" of the bargaining unit because the union does help some of its members out. I was recently shown a flyer that they went back and negotiated for some workers. How nice that the union leadership thought it wise to spread around this wonderful news that they got $70K for roughly 50 employees while the rest of us are struggling.

On a different note, it has been noticed that the union has been trying to collect information on those that do not agree with them. Why would this be? Focus should be placed on the issues, not the individuals. But again, that is not how this union operates. If it did things correctly and fairly, there would not be the need for the blogs and websites that are popping up all over the internet. If they actually worked towards the good of all employees, then I wouldn't be writing this. But they don't. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What's good for the goose...

...is good for the gander.

That's right ladies and gentlemen. I have heard that recently there have been some union members that have gotten a little upset with tactics that some non-union types have taken to. Guess what? You've been doing much worse for years and if you are going to, so are we. The workers deserve to hear ALL sides of this issue that very much affects them. No longer is your side the only one that is going to be presented. According to the NLRA it is completely legal. You get a voice and so do those of us that are tired of your hypocrisy.

And that brings me to one of the largest lies the union has tried to release. I really enjoy that on all the propaganda they leave strewn about there is a line about, "Together We Can Accomplish More." More for whom? They had a great following this last contract, heck, for the last two contracts. Instead of fighting for all employees equally, there were targeted raises. Fighting for all employees? That doesn't sound fair to me. Even if I am one of those targeted employees, it is not fair that one occupation gets more of an increase than another. Oh, wait, I get it now. These jobs had the highest percentage of employees being loyal union members. Fair and equitable indeed.

So if the union wants to file spurious grievances because they don't like the way the company legally handled something (i.e. the firing of an employee, etc.) then perhaps there is a need for a few complaints to be filed about the union and some of their very questionable practices (e.g. work slowdowns, creating hostile work environment, etc.). These are the acts of a very selfish organization that causes more work and stress for the employees it is supposed to protect and friction with the company it is supposed to work with. There is absolutely no reason that this group should be representing me. I take pride in myself and my work. And that is why IAM NOT 933!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jobs Worth Fighting For...

...but evidently not worth doing.

During the strike an oft heard line was that the union was on strike because the jobs were worth fighting for. In a year and a half since the strike ended there are still a few that believe their jobs aren't worth doing. "Work slowdowns" have been noted by coworkers and management, but nothing has been done about it. The union isn't solely to blame for this because management has not done anything about it.

Meanwhile, the employees that do take pride in the job they do on a daily basis have been forced to witness this lack of pride and lack of production. This is going to get us the money we deserve for the job that we do at the next contract? How? The union just keeps making one stupid decision after another.

Many of them seem to believe that this should be (or in some extreme cases, is) a union shop. Sorry, but they are wrong. Arizona is a right to work state. I have the right to work free of harassament. I have the right to work free of union propoganda. I have the right to get paid according to my abilities. That is why this union must go. That is why IAM NOT 933!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another example

So how many of you that went out on strike to support the union in their attempt to save their asses (like myself) have noticed that your effective hire date has been changed? For many of us it doesn't make much of a difference and really isn't a big deal. But for how many others (especially workers hired within a year or two of the strike) will it make a difference? If you were out the entire time, that is 10 weeks that your date gets moved back. So if your anniversary was anytime between the middle of October and the end of December, your anniversary now falls in the next year. Which means that at the first of the year, when you should be getting your PTO advance for the year, you are going to get ripped off at every interval. Was this something the union told you before you cast your vote for a strike?

Hell no!

I know for a fact that this was never brought up. I also know a person affected by this in my work area. How many others were caught unaware by this lack of information from the union? And if the union truly did not know about it, why didn't they file an Unfair Labor Practices claim with the National Labor Relations Board? They seem to have no problem filing those like crazy for "offenses" they have no chance of winning. We will discuss this more at a later time (probably next week).

So what other nuggets of information has the union kept from us? What other things have they failed to tell us, the working individuals that they "represent"? Every time I hear one of these officers trying to corral a new employee into the fold, I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, "Don't listen to their doublespeak!" The time has come to end this "selective" distribution of information by the union.

I AM NOT 933!

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Great Business Model

If you were going to start your own business, what things would you do to make sure that you have a steady stream of cash from your customers? Would you create a product that was so irresistable that people couldn't stay away? Would you lower your cost to be more competative with your rivals? Or would you lock your customers into contracts that they have very little hope of escaping from? It seems that IAM 933 has chosen option number three.

You may not be aware that you can get out of the union. I did and so can you. However, the restraints on you doing so, are usually too much for the busy workers that we are to notice. You have to send a certified letter to the union and the company in order to resign from the union. But wait, it gets better. There is a window of only two weeks a year when this may be done. You have to do it "not more than twenty (20) and not less than five (5) days prior to the expiration of each yearly period or of each applicable collective Bargaining Agreement..." This means that if you do not resign from the union in this two week window, then you are automatically enrolled for another year. What a business plan!!!

Fortunately, there are ways to find out when your anniversary of joining the union is. You can contact HR at the company. They have all that information on file and will provide it to you if you request it. You could request it from the union, but let's be honest here, they already try to lock in you permanently enough and both of us know that they are not going to easily come forth with that information. So I urge anyone still paying union dues to find out what your anniversary date with the union is. It is not necessarily the same as your start date at the company, so don't assume it is.

The union has had dwindling numbers as people have slowly started to realize the lies that the "leadership" spreads. All the "free" memberships and attempts to coerce new employees into joining will not help keep their numbers up. Too many people have begun to see the light and see through the lies. Are you going to be one of them?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

All for one and one for all...

I know it's been a while, but there is so much to say about the situation we find ourselves in that I should be making more regular posts.

The union sure has a line that they work for EVERYBODY. If that is the case, then why in the hell did Mr. Martinez and many of the other union staff get raises every year while those of us that they represent got nothing? How many years did we go without a raise? Yet, if you glance over at the union's financial filings, Mr. Martinez just kept getting paid more and more. And what did WE get in return? NOTHING! That is a great business plan, as long as your customers don't realize you are bilking them dry.

And speaking of fighting for everyone...why don't they fight for everyone when they are at the negotiating table? The last two times, red-circle has been a big issue. "Everyone should get treated equal," was the mantra. Yet, when the contract was presented to the members, red circled was still there and not only that, but there were targeted raises for certain occupations. WTF? So obviously, the union fights for those it likes...ahhhh...more nepotism.

Soon I will be posting some legalese on what the union can and cannot say or do and what we as employees can and cannot say and do. They have had the run of the roost for too long. Their intimidation tactics, lies, and flat out law breaking activities will cease and we can all make sure of it. How many times have you heard a die hard brainwashed union officer say something to the effect of, "Without the union, you are an at will employee and the company will fire you?" That is illegal. This intimidation will end.

I have a family member in IAM that openly brags about how it takes him almost 3 times as long to do a job now that he's "older". He is 51 years-old. That is not advanced age. Yet he expects to be compensated more for doing less? And he is going to blame others for not getting his way. Those that crossed to take care of their families (because the union sure as hell wasn't) are the scapegoats for the utter lack of action from this union. You ever notice that it is always someone else's fault with this union. Not once in my entire employment at Raytheon has this union admitted that they could have done something differently or better. Instead, they blame everyone else.

I am not responsible for YOUR failures IAM 933. I actually did a lot to help you guys out, as did others that you have spurned. Now you have to deal with the fact that the employees you were supposed to look out for are sick and tired of you. Not the company...not the corporate...not anyone else...it's the members you were supposed to fight for. I, for one, will not be sad to see your little group kicked out of my workspace.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hypocrisy at its finest

A campaign has been started to remove this incompetent union from representing those of us that would better be served without them. In a perfect world, this debate would take place in an open forum with both sides completely respectful to one another. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world. Some of these men and women are so imbedded within the union that they can not perceive a work life (or any life at all, in some cases) without their beloved union and are determined to go to any lengths necessary to protect it. I have no problem with that. It is great they believe so deeply in something. What is not great is the actions they have shown and have threatened against those who disagree with them.

They have sent emails and letters to another website claiming those individuals are faceless cowards for posting thoughts and articles on the web. Yet would they let those individuals post them in breakrooms? Not a chance. They say that something left on a car in a parking lot is a security breach, but then leave threatening flyers IN building breakrooms. I especially found the language on that to be typical of the thugs running the union. It just gives more justification to the statement that the union does not care about the entire bargaining unit. They should have tried long ago to work with their fellow workers and engage them in meaningful dialogue. Instead, they have acted like children and many of my fellow workers will never again trust them to speak on our behalf.

That is what this is about. It is about OUR individual futures, not the union's future. The union has passed its prime. The leadership are accountable only to a small group of the membership and as far as they are concerned, everyone else can take a flying leap. There is no excuse for it. I, for one, am sick and tired of their intimidation and their childish actions. It is time for this union to be decertified. Many others are quite aware of it as well. The union membership has been decreasing each year as more and more of the employees it supposedly represents realize that it does not represent them.

Get rid of IAM Lodge 933!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Why I am against THIS union

When I first started working at Raytheon a lot of people told me not to waste my money joining the union. When I would ask them why, the answer I got was that they were incompetent at their task of bargaining and that it was a "good ol' boys club". Well, against my better judgement, I figured that I would give them the benefit of the doubt and join up. I'd let them prove to me if my trust was misplaced or not.

The union leadership has shown that they are indeed running a "Good Ol' Boys Club" here at IAM 933. Friends and family get brought in and are the ones to benefit from gifts. As a union member, I was out for a time on a medical leave of absence. No card, no calls, nothing from the union. However, every time someone else in the union has something going on, there are collections, cards, and calls. I am not saying that by being in the union I deserved those things, but if they are going to claim that they seek equal treatment for everyone, then they better practice what they preach.

That was a minor thing compared to the fumbling of negotiations in 2006. Trying to get people whipped into a frenzy over their lack of ability in negotiating in 2003, they failed their task of getting the hourly workers the best possible contract. Let me ask a question: "When a child throws a temper tantrum and holds their breath, do you give in to them?" The answer is no. So why on Earth would grown and supposedly mature men and women expect a corporation to give in to their temper tantrum during the strike? I asked several times during the strike why they were not pressing to get back to the table and get us back to work. The answers I got involved anything from the first one to blink loses to just don't cross. I really liked that second one. Just don't cross. In the meantime rent is due, vehicle payments are due, credit card bills are due, and a myriad of other expenses, but the answer I got when I needed assurance that this was the right thing was, "Just don't cross." Excellent. I'll just tell my landlord and my creditors that. I'm sure they will understand.

What was even more disappointing to me was the lack of concern shown by the union towards those that were actually doing the grunt work during the strike. Several of us committed money and resources that were limited to helping out others during their time of need. Yet the union would still pick and choose when they would provide support to their members. Case in point being a shift of strike duty that I worked where there was NOTHING for the men and women on the line at night. There had been a rally that day and there were sandwiches and drinks for them, but the night shift people didn't have anything. There was no coffee, no hot water, and nothing to for them to even snack on. I left the union hall that evening with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I had been lied to big time.

I was disgusted with myself for going against my better judgement and going along with the strike. I made a couple more attempts to get reassurance from the union leadership that this was going to come to a resolution soon. Same answers, different day. Those words were hollow to me at that point. My savings was expended and plans that I had for the next year were already toast. What more did they want me to give? They say that they fight for everyone. That's bull. They fight for their own survival. That night at the union hall proved to me unequivocally that the union was not fighting for every man and woman on that picket line. They were trying to prove their relevance. They support the people on the line when TV cameras might possibly be around, but they don't give a damn about the ones out there holding the line on a cold December night. That was NOT what I gave my strike authorization vote for.

Unfortunately, I can't change the past. But I can make a difference in the future. The union still directs the membership to act like children. The attitudes that have been shown to those that went back to work for reasons of their own are unexcusable. I harbored no ill will towards them when they came back and was glad to see many of them back at work. I'm not so angry that they slighted me. Fine, they don't like me. But there are other hourly and salary employees that have bent over backwards in the past to help union members out when they needed it and they have received the cold shoulder as well. That is not right. That is not how a group of adults determining my pay and benefits should act and it's time to change. This union needs to be decertified so that some sense of cohesion can re-enter the workplace.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


This will be a future blog for information pertaining to the decertification effort against IAMAW Local 933. Anyone is welcome to post comments, suggestions, or to discuss the validity of this effort. However, the tone will be kept civil towards one another. Threats and insults will not be tolerated on this blog and will be removed.